
Batsu to Maru to Tsumi to


Batsu to Maru to Tsumi to

 Seventh album cover of the Japanese rock band RADWIMPS. This album was heavily influenced by the 3.11 earthquake and the sacredness of birth and love. The illustrations convey the importance of each and every life.

Don’t know the album? Listen here on Spotify.

Artboard 3shirtdesign.png
Whenever you’re in lack of some warmness or maybe sometime you feel hopeless
There’s nothing better to touch, I guarantee you that, little boy
— RADWIMPS "Tummy"

Record insert

Tour poster

Tour poster

Tour poster

Album t-shirt (white)

Album t-shirt (white)

Album t-shirt (black)

Album t-shirt (black)

Pin badges and stickers

Pin badges and stickers